Thema: USA: Poney's Poste - Vignetten, Privatpost oder Briefmarken ?
Harald Zierock Am: 21.08.2009 09:06:33 Gelesen: 16068# 12@  

Ich habe im Bezug auf diese " Marken " eine Antwort erhalten. Es ist zwar auf englisch, und ich kann es nicht 100% übersetzen. Ich nehme an es findet sich jemand dafür.

Hier die Antwort:

Mr. Zierock:

I apologize for the delay in responding. But I have been travelling and was unable to do some research on the stamps that you forwarded to me on 10 August.

The middle stamp is easy to identify. It is reportedly a bogus creation of S. Allan Taylor. I have three copies of it. But the one that you own has cancellations that are sometimes found on forgeries and counterfeits.

The first stamp is not one I have seen before. But it resembles the stamp of a local post that operated in Chicago in the mid 1850's. Attached is a scan of two pages on both of these stamps from the Larry Lyons reference book on carriers, locals, bogus posts and forgeries.

The third appears to be a counterfeit of a Confederate postmaster provisional that was issued in Nashville Tennessee. I have three similar copies, but mine have smaller commas after the "H" and do not have a period after the "P." This is not an area that I know very much about, but I will check with a friend and try to find out whether your copy is genuine or fake.

Cliff Alexander
