Thema: Literatur: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin
22028 Am: 19.08.2018 18:42:29 Gelesen: 14085# 14@  
Die 9. Ausgabe (Sommer 2018) des Middle East Philatelic Bulletin (MEPB) wurde gerade herausgegeben und kann wie immer kostenlos herunter geladen werden. Link dazu am Ende:

How to Sell a Parable: The Ottoman Post Office Bon Samaritain (Khan al-Hathrur) (Folkert Bruining, Tobias Zywietz)
Austrian Levant Perfins: O&M – Observatoire et Musée Scientifique de Jerusalem (Peter Keeda)
The Late Use of the Small Ottoman Date-Bridge Postmark of Kerek in Transjordan (Bernd-Dieter Buscke)
The Palestine Mandate London II (Waterlow) Issue: The Mystery of the Missing Upper Panes of the 9, 10, and 20 Piastres (Perf. 14) (Avo Kaplanian, Jacques Kaufmann)
Embossed Egyptian Fiscals (Wolfgang Morscheck (Bad Säckingen))
Some Remarks about the Ay Yıldız Issue (Otto Graf)
A 1931 Rerouted Overland Mail Cover: London–Hit–Haifa–Jerusalem–Afule (Rainer Fuchs)
The Raid on the Bethlehem Post Office in September 1938 (Tobias Zywietz)
The “Wartime Economy Use” of a Palestine Meter Mark Cover (Rainer Fuchs)
Nablus AM/PM Postmarks Revisited (III) (Avo Kaplanian)
Egypt Stamps and Rates: What, no Stamp? (Edmund Hall)
Reply Coupons of The Arab Postal Union (Hálfdan Helgason, Tobias Zywietz)
More Lebanon Gum-Side Surcharges (Johann Baumgartner)
Jordan’s Touristic Post Cards (Avo Kaplanian)
New Books: The Transition from Palestine to Israel (van de Laar)
Book Review: Venice and the Levant (Venezia e il Levante) (Rigo)
Book Review: "Postkrieg" Catalogue (Burhop/Heijs)
New Books: Ein wahrhaft irdisches Jerusalem (Zahn)
World Stamp Championship “ISRAEL 2018” (Tobias Zywietz)
Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz