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Thema: A private FDC forbidden during communism
March Am: 29.09.2013 17:33:44 Gelesen: 5348# 1 @  
It is a private FDC with date 8 November 1940 and made by Wilhelm Nathansohn a well-known stamp dealer from Bucharest

March Am: 29.09.2013 17:34:50 Gelesen: 5347# 2 @  
The back of the above private FDC

stephan.juergens Am: 03.10.2013 19:32:38 Gelesen: 5325# 3 @  
One remark: during World War II Romania was not Communist.

I have to look up if it was part of the Tripartite Pact in 1940 or not (if not, it became later)

Between the wars it was ruled by a king. At that was not possible in a communist state :-)
March Am: 03.10.2013 23:06:15 Gelesen: 5322# 4 @  
The Private FDC cover I am talking about was forbidden during communist regime of Romania which lasted from 1948 to 1989 !
Not many covers like this one did "survive" the communist regime .
March Am: 09.12.2013 21:45:30 Gelesen: 5207# 5 @  

The sender of this cover is Traian A. Popescu , lawyer from Madrid, the author of the "stamps" (and covers) for the Romanian in Exile .
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