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Thema: SOS ! A city on a PPC to indentify pls !
March Am: 03.07.2013 20:29:20 Gelesen: 1698# 1 @  
Post Card showing a city devastated by war ( most likely WW I) It could be in North of France, Belgium or Germany.

The PC is not circulated so on the back side there are no signs to help in identification.

It appears to be a city square and on the left there are two statues which could be 2 high rank military from 1700'-1800' going by their clothes , high boots ... On the square background the signs of couple of shops are not readable.

So could anyone assist in identifying this city ?


doktorstamp Am: 03.07.2013 20:50:06 Gelesen: 1683# 2 @  
I note first that the debris from the destruction has been cleared, notably in the background walls have crudely been reinstated.

It is also a fairly safe bet that the building, or rather what remains of it, behind the statues was most likely a municipal building housing offices for the administration of the town(?). A Town Hall perhaps?

As this appears to be a photograph would it be possible for you to do a detailed scan of each of the statues?

The style of the rooves (roofs if you prefer), or what can be discerned from the remains, and the chimney cappings, are not those I would readily associate with Northern Europe.

Others may well recognise the locality.

Let's wait and see.


March Am: 03.07.2013 20:56:53 Gelesen: 1678# 3 @  
@ doktorstamp [#2]

It's a P.C. made by using a photo. On the back side there is no indication of the maker, publisher or other indications. Only place for address and on left hand side space for correspondence.

The statue figures/faces are not clear even by a powerful magnifying glass !

Will try to increase PC's size maybe it will help.
doktorstamp Am: 03.07.2013 21:10:19 Gelesen: 1666# 4 @  
Dependent upon the grain size used in developing and production you may be able to enlarge the statues. Most film used in cameras of that era used the equivalent of around 50 to 100 ASA.


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