Thema: Berlin (West) 1 Mark Attest 1949 Rotaufdruck
Malgorzata Am: 12.01.2022 17:42:25 Gelesen: 1280# 1 @  
Dear subscribers,

I would like some information regarding this stamp. For example, why the print is rotated and how much it could cost if I wanted to sell it. I would like to add that the stamp comes from my grandfather's collection.

Thank you

MS Sammler Am: 12.01.2022 18:16:22 Gelesen: 1255# 2 @  
Can you show us the certificate that comes with the stamp?

Malgorzata Am: 14.01.2022 16:41:46 Gelesen: 1179# 3 @  
@ MS Sammler [#2]

Caro Leon, unfortunately I don't have any certification, but I would like to have one. As I wrote, this stamp was in my grandfather's stamp collection, most of them were Polish stamps and among them there was a German stamp about which nobody can tell me anything.

Lars Boettger Am: 14.01.2022 20:17:03 Gelesen: 1172# 4 @  
@ Malgorzata [#3]

Fake overprints on the early Berlin issues are to be expected. If I have to judge the color and the impression, I would assume that you have overprint forgery. If you want help, a 600 or 1200 dpi scan would be very helpful, a blurred mobile phone image is not helping.

There are two Berlin experts at the BPP:

Andreas Schlegel and Hans-Dieter Schlegel [1]

If you need an expert opinion, please send the stamp to one of them. The costs are:

- Your registered letter
- Your insurance
- Invoice + VAT + registered letter (around 35 - 40 EUR) if overprint is fake

All the best,


Malgorzata Am: 18.01.2022 15:39:39 Gelesen: 1146# 5 @  
@ Lars Boettger [#4]


Thank you for the advice and, as you suggested to me, I'm sending better photos.

Yours faithfully,
