Thema: Deutsches Reich: Bebilderte Werbung auf Briefumschlägen und Postkarten
jmh67 Am: 22.11.2021 21:53:15 Gelesen: 234857# 950@  
@ Stefan [#949]

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Promising Start

The roots of our traditional company reach back many decades. The company was founded in Dresden in 1922, as Geyer & Co., and it originally manufactured shoe creams under the name “Geyerit.”

Already in the mid-1920s, in Dresden the company started to manufacture fabrics and bands for technical purposes, and it developed into a lucrative company.

In 1931, the site in Dresden was no longer enough. The company Geyer and Co. acquired a new site in Ohorn. In the years that followed, more branches were established in Ohorn – the demand for the manufactured products remained strong. At this time, around 70 employees worked in Ohorn. ... "

In den 1930ern hatte die Firma offenbar schon "diversifiziert".
