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Thema: Is Karl Marx statue still there ?
March Am: 05.12.2013 17:59:37 Gelesen: 4934# 1 @  
DDR Karl-Marx-Stadt (today Chemnitz),
a maximum card with postmark dated : -8.-7.76

Is the Karl Marx's statue still in that place ?

briefmarkenwirbler24 Am: 07.12.2013 14:14:54 Gelesen: 4921# 2 @  
Hello March,

I try to speak English now :).
The Karl Mark statue is still in Chemnitz.
The picture on the card is a little bit different than the picture of the following picture.
I hope I could help you.

Yours sincerly

March Am: 07.12.2013 14:59:36 Gelesen: 4916# 3 @  
Thanks briefmarkenwirbler24

Impressive background. ! With Marx's slogan !
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