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Thema: A post card from Viziru to Gorz via Vienna
March Am: 26.12.2013 15:59:56 Gelesen: 5073# 1 @  
An UPU 1894 post card sent from Viziru village to Gorz ( Gorizia today)via Vienna

Postmark of departure post offices : double-cerc VIZIRU 15 JUN 898 with postal horn ( this office was opened in 1892 ) , double-cerc IANCA 16 JUN 898 GARA with star (office opened in 01.10.1873) and arrival octagonal postmark of GORZ post office with date : GORZ 16 JUN 98 ( the post office clerk did a mistake by fixing the postmark year on "89" instead of "98" .

Abt Gorz ,today Gorizia more here :

Viziru and Ianca Gara ( Railway Station ) were/are located in Jud. Braila

March Am: 26.12.2013 16:06:39 Gelesen: 5071# 2 @  
GORZ ( Gorizia) postmark from 16 June 1898

It can be seen the mistake with year on post office cancel
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