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Thema: This is how it formed?
frankit&meter Am: 13.08.2014 16:18:57 Gelesen: 4657# 1 @  
Get such an envelope. Right of the print is a total report?

Because“Objets”is 1306.

The other print Objets is 001307.

Who knows what it is, thank you!

DL8AAM Am: 24.06.2015 18:33:57 Gelesen: 4420# 2 @  
@ frankit&meter [#1]

No "total report", that is a print-out of an error message ("Empreinte fautée"). It informs about an error which just occurred, while they try to print a frank (item number, "serial number" 1306). It gave all the details of what should be on the real correct meter imprint too. Why that happens? Sorry idea, maybe any software problem happened?

After that happened they print another frank, the next one with the following "serial number 1307" without problems.

But thanks for showing that one! At least we now know what are the meaning (and the names) of some of the cryptic codes they print into the meter! A real stroke of luck, great ;-) Xhe'Xhe!


BTW, "Code Regate" is a kind of reference number for the postal entity, a kind of post office number (but not a ZIP code).
frankit&meter Am: 27.06.2015 08:24:41 Gelesen: 4387# 3 @  

Thank you for your answer. I know something.

If there are new questions, I will consult to you.

Best Regards

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