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Thema: Why is the "Ammordix heyi" instead of "Ammoperdix heyi"?
frankit&meter Am: 24.06.2015 15:32:24 Gelesen: 5160# 1 @  
Israel in the June 16 issue of an ATM stamp, but its name is "Ammordix heyi" instead of "Ammoperdix heyi"

What is the reason, it is spelled wrong? I think this is a problem.

infla-alec Am: 24.06.2015 17:14:10 Gelesen: 5114# 2 @  
It is an incorrect spelling. You can contact Israeli Post and point out the mistake. They will either withdraw the issue, leave it as is, or issue a new stamp with the correct spelling. Am: 24.06.2015 17:36:04 Gelesen: 5105# 3 @  

here is the link to the Israeli Post:

Good luck and let us know how it goes on.

Best wishes from the Baltic Sea.

DL8AAM Am: 24.06.2015 17:59:57 Gelesen: 5095# 4 @  
@ frankit&meter [#1]

Congrats, for discovering (maybe) another Suez Canal-like "Mistake on Stamps" error (if). A dream for any stamp collector. ;-)

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