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Thema: Altdeutschland, Bayern, Markenbestimmung
Michel_1960 Am: 21.01.2019 22:11:14 Gelesen: 3201# 1 @  
Dear collectors,

I'm lost because I cannot find the stamp in the picture. I read the part in a Michel-catalogue on Bayern but I do not see this 'Staatswapen auf Ornament' with two postal horns in the left and right corner above. I do believe it is a 3 Pf. stamp and not a cutting from a postcard or something like that, but I'm not sure. I think so because the shield in the middle is a so called 'Prägedruck', the paper has the same thickness as a regular stamp, is has been 'entwertet' in a normal way with a regular stamp (March 93) and it has a watermark in its paper (Wz 4, three lying waveforms). So it has several characteristics of a normal stamp. Enclosed is a picture of it, the colour is more dark-red/brown (siena?) and not as yellow as the photo suggests.

Is there a reason why this is not described in the Michel? And does it have a status as a stamp or is it not worth collecting?
Hopefully there are some experts in this forum who can bring some light in the darkness.

I do read and understand German, so please use it. In writing myself I prefer English (I make to many faults in German).

Kind regards,

John Arnold

Stamps99 Am: 22.01.2019 00:23:20 Gelesen: 3182# 2 @  
Hello John,

your stamp is part of a wrapper for printed letters, issued in several different printings from 1885-92 with watermark on paper as thick as by stamps. You can find it in the "Michel Ganzsachenkatalog". The wrappers are cheap, an outcut of the sign value worthless.

With best regards Stamps99
Michel_1960 Am: 11.02.2019 23:44:54 Gelesen: 3037# 3 @  
Thank you for your answer Stamps99,

Good to know that these 'stamps that aren't stamps' are practically worthless. I'll give it a 'special place' between the rest of my stamps of Bayern and focus on the real stamps! That in itself is difficult enough, seeing that for the first 13 numbers or so you even distinguish between the printing plates. I will have to use a better magnifying glass.

Thanks again for your knowlegde!

John Arnold
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